John Christopher Frame

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7 days prayer workbook


7 Days to Upping Your Prayer Life, Loving Others, and Having More Joy

Do you want a better prayer life? Need more joy in your heart? Wish you felt closer to God?

This short workbook sets out a quick seven-day plan to help you revitalize your walk with God.

Grab this free devotional and grow in your faith today!

How many places in the Bible can you name?

Click the image and test your knowledge with this 6-question quiz. See what these sites are like today.

Bible places cities quiz

John visited towns in the Bible the Apostle Paul went.


He’s writing a 30-day devotional book so you can follow his journey.



Learn more

John Christopher Frame

John Christopher Frame grew up in the USA, has lived on 3 continents, and has traveled to over 30 countries.

John’s passion is combining his interests in theology and social concerns to help Christians become more aware of global issues so they can better live out their faith.

Check out his books here and his audiobooks here.

Books by John

7 Attitudes of the Helping Heart

Feel like you should do more for the poor but aren’t sure where to start? Want to feel closer to God by helping those in need?

Homeless at Harvard cover

Homeless at Harvard

While finishing up his degree at Harvard Divinity School, John spends a summer with the homeless community around Harvard University.

7 Days to Upping Your Prayer Life, Loving Others, and Having More Joy

Grab this free action guide and grow in your faith today!

Increase Your Leadership Impact cover

Increase Your Leadership Impact

A short, easy-to-read book that walks you through simple tips to help you feel closer to God and grow in your ability to lead those around you.

Theatre in Ephesus - John Christopher Frame - Bible quiz

How many places in the Bible can you name?

Test your knowledge of biblical sites with this short quiz!

Hi, I'm John.

I created this quiz about places I visited in the Bible.

There are 6 questions.

When you finish, just add your first name + email to get your results.

Each question has a picture I took at that location.

Hint: they're all places the Apostle Paul visited.

Ready to learn and be challenged, and see pictures of places you've never seen before??

Let's get started!

It's a city in Turkey (which is now called Turkiye, btw).

1 / 6

The town where the Apostle Paul was born.

(Need a hint? Click the icon in the upper left corner.)

Hint: This city had devastating earthquakes in 2023 (and throughout history).

2 / 6

This city is where the prophets and teachers laid their hands on Paul and Barnabas to begin their journey telling the Good News.

(Need a hint? Click the icon in the upper left corner.)

Hint: A book of the Bible is named after this city.

3 / 6

A large riot started in this city’s theater because people were upset with the Apostle Paul and his teaching.

(Need a hint? Click the icon in the upper left corner.)


Hint: Paul was bitten by a snake here and, after nothing bad happened, he was thought to be a god.

4 / 6

An island in the Mediterranean Sea, this is where Paul and others on his ship found safety after a shipwreck.

(Need a hint? Click the icon in the upper left corner.)

Hint: Paul walked from this town to the city of Assos in Acts 20.

5 / 6

This is where, in Acts 16, Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia begging him to come to Macedonia.

(Need a hint? Click the icon in the upper left corner.)

Hint: it’s only specifically mentioned once in the Bible – in Acts 14.

6 / 6

Now a city of over 1 million people, it still has an active harbor, and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

(Need a hint? Click the icon in the upper left corner.)

Thanks for taking my quiz.

I created this quiz after visiting all the cities in Turkey St. Paul visited that are mentioned in the Book of Acts.

Here I am near the place where Paul and Barnabas first set out to share the Good News.

Anyway, now let's see your results!

Just add your name and email and they'll appear on the next page.

And I'll send you some more photos (and devotions) to help you in your understanding of the Bible and encourage you in your walk with God. You'll love them. I promise :)


John Christopher Frame

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