7 Days to Upping Your Prayer Life, Loving Others, and Having More Joy
Becoming More Grateful
Would you like to have more gratitude in your life?
We all want to think of ourselves as being thankful for what we have. Because life is busy, though, we may not express gratitude very often, or remember specific things we’re truly grateful for.
Some of the things we have in life are ours “just because.” For example, your nationality, running water and electricity, grocery stores with plenty of food to buy, or opportunities you’ve been given in life. In some cases, we have little control over the good things we have.
You might think of them as blessings, privileges, or opportunities. Maybe you take them for granted, not thinking about them often.
Some of the things we have in life position us to obtain even more. For example, growing up in a loving family can help a child become a healthy, educated person who can acquire a
decent job.
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No doubt, some of us have more opportunities, possessions, or privileges than others. All of us benefit from them, yet we may overlook their significance in our lives or take them for granted.
For example, when you take a hot shower, how often do you think of those who don’t have indoor plumbing? When you fill a glass with cold water in your kitchen, how often do you think of those without access to clean drinking water? When you travel, how often do you think of those who can’t visit the places you are enjoying (because they don’t have a visa to enter the country or money to travel)?
Remembering what we have, as well as those in the world who don’t have these things, can help us be more aware of the world around us. And it can help us to be thankful for whatever we have, even if that doesn’t feel like a lot.
When we are thankful for what we have and, at the same time, aware of what others don’t have, this leads us to a place where we may feel uncomfortable. We’re bothered when we compare what we have to what others don’t have.
When we remember that we have some of what we have because of things out of our control, this helps us change the way we think. We become more grateful, as well as more aware of those who may be struggling in life.
- In what ways do you show gratitude?
- Are there any areas in your life in which you’d like to express more gratitude?
- How often do you reflect on what you have as it compares to those who have less?
Colossians 3:14-17:
“Do all these things; but most important, love each other. Love is what holds you all together in perfect unity. Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. You were all called together in one body to have peace. Always be thankful. Let the teaching of Christ live in you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and strengthen each other. Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Everything you say and everything you do should all be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.”
Dear God, thank you for all I have. Forgive me for when I think it’s not enough, or not as much as I’d like. Thank you for the food I have to eat, for people who care about me, and for
the place I lay my head at night. Help me to have the right attitude about possessions, so I won’t want or expect too much. Instead, help me to always be thankful. Amen.
I want to become more grateful today by: _________.
Intentionally give thanks
Make a list of ten things for which you are grateful. Say a prayer aloud, naming all ten of them and thanking God for them. (Tip: download the pdf guide so you can type your responses directly in the devotion.)
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About this devotional
Do you need a better prayer life?
Want to feel closer to God?
With this free, 7-day devotional workbook, you’ll begin to intentionally work on improving your walk with God.
Day 1) Becoming more grateful
Day 2) Becoming more humble
Day 3) Becoming more empathetic
Day 4) Becoming more compassionate
Day 5) Becoming more generous
Day 6) Becoming more holy
Day 7) Becoming more hopeful
7 Days to Upping Your Prayer Life, Loving Others, and Having More Joy is an easy-to-follow devotional that can help you on your way of becoming the better Christian you want to be.
You’ll discover:
- Seven powerful concepts that can motivate you on your faith journey and help you improve your relationship with God
- Short daily readings, brief Bible passages, and compelling prayers that can strengthen your spirituality
- Reflective questions and doable challenges so you can experience God’s greater presence in your life